Is your tween picking up your drinking habits?

England has the highest rates of childhood drinking. Perhaps parents should look at their own consumption, says Tanith Carey

Kids from better-off homes are most likely to drink
Kids from better-off homes are most likely to drink
The Times

Maybe it starts with a small glass of champagne at a family celebration, or a sip of sangria on holiday. After all, it’s such good training, isn’t it? Much better to allow kids to get a tiny taste of alcohol under our watchful eye than to end up being the ones puking Jägerbombs into the gutter once they get to uni.

So goes the middle-class lore, that weaning kids gently onto booze “the French way” will train them to drink sensibly for life. We parents may have needed a stiff drink ourselves after research was published this week showing how badly our good intentions are backfiring. In a study of 280,000 children in 44 countries by the World Health Organisation, English youngsters have the highest